Order of Australia Medal

THANK YOU to everyone who messaged me after the announcement of my Order of Australia Medal on 26 January 2022. News travels fast in the bush and on social media! It was a lovely surprise and, knowing how involved these processes are, I sincerely thank whoever made the nomination. Like everyone else who lives in a rural or regional community, I try to do my bit and love every minute of my volunteer work. Over the past decade I have made it my business to ensure that a rural voice is present at conferences and forums. This comes at a great personal expense but is so important if we want to appreciate the value of our rural businesses and communities

I spent Australia Day assisting the Rotary Club of Castlemaine. I asked reporters to take my photograph in the beautiful garden of Buda Historic Home & Garden where I've volunteered for over 20 years. Then there is that wonderful organisation called the Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program which opened up my eyes to the power of motivated individuals becoming part of a collaborative regional network. I've served many organisations over the years because I want to make a difference. And now I am Chair of Working Heritage, such a wonderful organisation that repurposes redundant heritage buildings owned by the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning across Victoria.

But the true heroes are the people who make rural towns so vibrant. Every business owner and community leader I meet is an inspiration and my plan is to continue shining a light on ordinary people doing extraordinary things in rural towns.

Kerry Anderson